Annoying People Alert

obnoxious phoneFacebook Moochie – Moochieness. There is this one gal I will call Queen Moochie. Queen Moochie has intertwined herself into my network (who has been deleted I might add) for the following behaviors. Moochie-poo behavior number one:  stalking my client’s media coverage on Facebook and then proceeding to capitalize on my PR efforts and my client’s coverage. This person literally calls the same reporter and intertwines herself into the interview. (Message: Hire your own publicist cheap-a$$). Moochie-poo behavior number two:  posting comments on my profile page to advertise your personal services and speaking engagements that have NOTHING to do with my present Facebook comment. (Message: can you be any more of a flipping infomercial?). Bye-bye moochie poo.

Bad Speaker Behavior. Now, this is a completely personal opinion and for my gal pals out there who are super-uber confident they do not care; but I have a serious problem when speakers pick on the super shy without giving them a heads-up notice about the topic or to what you are going to about to do to them in front of a whole flipping room. Usually, the woman or man picked upon is Suzie/Stevie newbie who goes up front to get analyzed for their elevator pitch, posture and/or bad breath – whatever … does it really matter? Please note they are never going to come back if they are uncomfortable. EVER. I have seen it several times now and heard through the grapevine one victim ended up in therapy and is bad mouthing said organization to death. Am I kidding? Sadly, no.

Really Bad S***-talking  Behavior. If you are in the same networking group, in the same field as someone else please note there is no competition. Funny concept, right?  If you have built a business based on authenticity and being who you are – people tend to work with who they like and trust. What I have noticed recently in a particular organization, is someone walking around bad-mouthing their competition. In an even stupider (yes, I know that is not a word, but I am using it, so whatever) maneuver; this particular offender is making up things, doing childish name-calling (she is 45 not 5 by the way), and then trying to collaborate and do business with the people she is gossiping about. Talk about a very weird sense of insecurity and stalker behavior all rolled into one. My point? You should really watch who you are saying what to while out in professional setting, because chances are if their rolodex is quite healthy they a. might know who you are referring to and b. spread the word.

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