Bad Business Timesuck Behaviour

frustrated galCancellation Carol. This one is a doozey. It takes time to book a television spot, radio spot … you name the media outlet type and most people do not realize the time it takes. I am talking back and forth with the client, the producer and most importantly is the fact that my clients block off their time. Cancellation Carol is the epitome of bad, bad very bad behavior. While I was trying to get the call information (and I am talking numerous messages on a confirmed spot), I eventually was able to reach Carol and she wanted to move the spot to a live show in the very same morning. Please keep in mind I was scheduling with someone who is currently on plane. Anyway, we got that dialed in (thankfully, I know how to reach my clients) to only receive a long winded email from the producer cancellation that they do not cover certain subject matters. Um, why did they book the spot? Cancellation Carol is a timewaster and I will not be endorsing or pitching her show ever. I obviously cannot share the diatribe I received, but it would have been much more entertaining to receive an email that read, “I won’t be in today. My fish is sick and I need to take it to the vet.”

I don’t feel like being on T.V. today Irene. In 6 years, I have never had a client cancel on a television spot. Ever. I had one long term client once try to pull the I don’t feel like going on attitude (granted, she had been on every local media outlet and was over it), but I politely told her to get her A$$ down to the station and all went well. I only pitch national media for her now. Anyway, I had a major client cancel on a 45 minute interview. Granted they had turnover, but after going back and forth with the new client at the said firm, the end response was “We do not feel like doing it.” This would have been good information to have about 6 months ago and I had to play damage control with the producer. Thankfully it all worked out.  My point? You never cancel a media appearance you committed to and if you do … it better be a really good excuse. For example, “My fortune teller advised against it.”

Undervalue Ursula. Ursula again is another perfect example of a timesuck and bad business behavior combo. Urusla wanted to hire me to save manatees with a very targeted public relations campaign. Since, I have a family member really passionate about saving manatees I thought this would be a really cool project and even offered my non-profit rate. After reviewing countless videos, websites and material (And, I always do homework … but this was beyond excessive), Ursula came back with a response that I was 3x more expensive than other publicists she had talked to. First, I am at market rate or even a tad bit under for that matter. Second, while I realize most people do not understand what a retainer is; this reminds me of the situation I had a couple of years ago where a doctor hired her webmaster to do her PR for her. You get what you pay for.

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