Give the Gift of Books – Easy Book Marketing

With the holidays right around the corner and since more people are reading during their spare time throughout our pandemic, why not give the gift of books this holiday season? While you may be wondering why we are doing a holiday-related post in September, the reasoning behind this is that the time to submit for gift guides is now! If you cannot afford a book publicist to do this for you, you can do this on your own with either of these two ways. 1. Sign up for HARO (Help a Reporter Out) and respond to any relative gift guide request. Typically, you are going to want to send in a one paragraph pitch about your product (or they may even specify word count). 2. Do an internet search for gift guides. Google is your friend! Find relative sights and contact the site owner/appropriate contact with the same one paragraph pitch. In both cases, if they are interested, they will ask for a review copy, JPEG of the cover and possibly a head shot. This is easy book marketing for any author just in time for the holidays! Questions? Feel free to respond to this post or email

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