Never Say This to a Publicist

11948023-boss-shouting-at-assistantI want to be on OPRAH. I still hear this on quite a frequent basis. The funny part is when I hear it now; people do not seem to realize she has her OWN network. Literally. I was at an event the other week and someone was bragging about knowing someone in daytime television and didn’t realize she moved to her own network. Then, I was challenged and asked if I knew the Executive Producer. I can look up absolutely anyone in media in my PR database and really do not know if she still has the same EP. I am guessing not. Obviously, I am not going to put too much weight into someone who did not know she is now on OWN and if she wants to be on Oprah maybe she should figure out what channel she is currently on now. Just a thought.

Can I have your contact list? This one never fails to amaze me and the answer is always no. My company does not A. Spend thousands on a PR database to share contacts (unless you are purchasing a list) and B. If you are going to ask me for a personal cell number for certain reporters I know, that is a “no” with a capital “N”. Never, ever, ever ask a publicist for his/her contact list. They normally have a database or a spreadsheet list of personal contacts that took years to develop. I personally like it when reporters call me to tell me they are moving to different stations. Why would I jeopardize that?

Why am I not on Dr. Phil yet? This yet, is another one of my favorite questions. This usually comes from someone who does not have a website or a horrific one, a video that their husband shot that mostly shows a half of a face or someone who basically thinks that they can completely bypass getting experience being on local media. Typically, you cannot just jump into the national swimming pool – you can, but a lot of times, national will want some sort of experience. So, before you go chew your publicist out for two local television spots because you are not on Dr. Phil yet … maybe say thank you first.

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