Social Media Gone Wrong

Status Updates … did you really just say that?  I have a pal who complains on a weekly basis on FaceBook about how terrible his life is being president of a company his parents have left him.  I feel the need to mention how built up this business is, and it is pretty much a big present having something completely built up versus having to start from scratch. I have refused to comment on these “poor-me” pity parties he throws for himself… but really?  Most people on FaceBook do not own a Fortune 500 company — and in the very near future, I will have to send him a private message with a swift kick in the pants telling him to get over himself. My point is that when you have it very well, and I do … try not to complain.

Social Media Spamming Alert. In the past couple of months, I have been invited to be a fan of everything from numbers to asparagus to window shields. I am not joking. Here is the deal, I am not going to be a fan of everything and neither should you. Please beware by joining such groups you will be spammed by group members asking you to be their friend (a.k.a., Tracy Embroidery). If you tend to be selective, chances are they are all likeminded professionals and are not going to bother you with their upcoming quilting seminar. I can also assure you that you will know other professionals in the group which will also decrease this problem. However, if you want to become a fan of M Com publishing … click here.

Security Alert.  I know all of you are super-duper intelligent folks, but please do me a quick favor and pop into FaceBook and look at your security settings. FaceBook does update quite a bit, and you need to make sure that you are controlling who can access your page and who can look at your photos. There is even a setting where a whole network can have access to your photos. Please just be careful … there are a bunch of crazies out there, and I sure do know a couple that I do not want accessing my personal/mostly professional site.

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