What’s in a job title? Everything!

We do a a lot of corporate naming with both M Communications and M Com Publishing. Your company name and your brand are intimately tied together and we keep a close eye on in this during the start up process. Where do entrepreneurs tend to go wrong? I have to say in some areas if they are not open to hand holding and there is one area where I see do-it-yourselfers tend to go a tad bit too far. Below are a couple of  job titles that should have been be approved of by the marketing company and not dictated by the CEO.

1. Rock Star Developer. This was for a business coach and nothing to do with singing or playing any instruments. To make matters worse … she had a music theme on her business card. I feel bad for all of the American Idol potentials out there.

2. Chief Fireball Lieutenant. Again, this was the same position as above and when I received a personalized voicemail from him I about died laughing. I would be remotely interested if the Chief Fireball Lieutenant had anything to do with those yummy red fire balls in my son’s Halloween candy. Also, if you are a male you might want to consider not having the word ball in your job title – certain professions excluded.

My point? If you hired a marketing company, please use them to your advantage.


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