The Blog:

Conference Tips & Tricks

Kick out the Sad Sacks.   Negative people will make your booth negative period. The negative energy will flow all over and people will see you. I had a couple of sad sacks monopolizing the only two trade show chairs in my space, and they were constantly being negative, negative and more negative. I am sorry…

Cutting Through the Clutter

Time is money. I know, how cliché of me but I had to say it because it is true. Due to the amount of media attention I receive at M Communications, I could really spend all day on the phone talking to people. Unfortunately, I do need to pay my mortgage so I am now selective…

The “Suck” in the “Time Suck”

One thing I have definitely learned as a business owner is that you need to avoid what is not going to be the best use of your time. At the end of the day, you do need to get billable hours in or explore valid business opportunities. I know many people are under the impression…

“TRASH” your marketing budget

Lack of Tracking (a.k.a., The Blind Leading the Blind).  If you are not tracking the response rate of your advertisements whether click throughs or sorcing customers, you might as well as take your advertising dollars, crumple them up and flush them down the toilet.  Blindingly throwing money at a publication is like deliberately giving Anne…

The Rules of Networking

I have a very pointed networking “No-No” I would like to share.  Alienate NO ONE.  Believe me, there are people I do not want to work with for various reasons, but I still politely declined.  Instead of completely blowing someone off (e.g., not returning a call or an e-mail or blatantly ignoring them) just politely…

Bad Publicity Stunts

Some people say that there is no such thing as bad publicity. I beg to differ. Take this one for example.  Todd Davis, CEO of identity protection company LifeLock, decided to put his own identity on the line as a publicity stunt for the company. He plastered his social security number all over billboards, internet ads, trucks…

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