The Blog:

You talking to me?

If you are reading this blog, I am assuming you want to generate more revenue for your biz. Here are a couple of tips: Public Speaking not a One-Woman Bar-Stool Action.  What I am referring to here is public speaking, not to be confused with standing on a bar stool giving a toast at a…

Moving Marketing Violations

People probably do not know who you are and what your company does unless you are pretty heavily branded in the area – like Sacramento Magazine for example. Don’t delude yourself either. Come on! Does anyone really know Brando Electric from Leron the Electrician? Probably not. Make sure your logo and company name send a…

Business Must-Do’s

Think Big or Go home.  Although a big practice I largely played in college candy land, this principle addresses the need to stay out until 2:00 a.m. – and after having a baby, I sure do not miss being up at 2:00 a.m. – here is a good must-do. I cannot tell you how many…

Smart Business Behavior

Contracts = Good … Have it in writing.  learned this from personal experience.  You need to have a written contract and this is regardless if this is your BFF from elementary school. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Especially, if it means getting threats from FaceBook saying you illegally posted pictures you…

More Bad Conference Behavior

Below are two people you do not want to act like or meet when attending a conference. Obnoxious expert opinion.  I met a plastic surgery doctor and ended up in a group chatting with her quite a bit at an event. I will refer to her as “Dr. Annoying.” Without anyone asking, “Dr. Annoying” proceeded to critique…

Three Fabulous Ways to Trash Your Marketing Budget

Lack of Tracking (a.k.a., The Blind Leading the Blind).  If you are not tracking the response rate of your advertisements whether click throughs or sorcing customers, you might as well as take your advertising dollars, crumple them up and flush them down the toilet.  Blindingly throwing money at a publication is like deliberately giving Anne…

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