Don’t Make These Mistakes in a Press Release

writing press release picMistakes happen to the very best of writers, but there are a couple of mistakes you really want to avoid when writing a press release. Why? Well, you send your press release in to media professionals who are usually journalists and they notice these glaring errors. Below are a couple to avoid.

Misspelling = Major Mistake. Ironically, misspell is one of the most misspelled words in the English language. To expand on my point above, try not to do this at all costs. You will discredit yourself in the eyes of the media. There is this button called spell check on your tool bar … use it.

Double check your facts. I made two big boo-boo’s over the last 5 years. Back in 2011, I sent a press release to a national book reviewer and I wanted him to write about my client’s book launch party. Well, I accidentally wrote that the book launch party was going to be held in 2013. Whoops. Luckily, I have a relationship reporter and he called to give me a bad time by saying, “Michele, planning ahead are we?” Then he laughed and ran the story anyway. Phew. The other mistake I made is that I forgot to update a release I was sending out with an event listing that had already passed. A gal pal at a magazine called to tell me about it and basically told  me to call it a day and go back today. Oh well, it happens – and two boo-boo’s over five years … not so bad. My point however is double check. Double check. Double check.

Spell Check Situations. This is again, why you need to double check. For example, if you meant to say “hear”, but accidentally used “here” spell check is going to skim right over this mistake. Also, spell check will try to change words that it does not recognize in their dictionary. When you are done with your release it is always important to reread (or get a second pair of eyes), to avoid all of the mistakes above.

Need a press release for your biz? Sign up for next week’s seminar in El Dorado Hills here.

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