Treat Your Event Organizer Like a Bride

One thing I always notice when going to events (yes, networking again – but in this business climate it is beyond important) is that people tend to bombard the event organizer. I am not talking about an event planner, but the actual event organizer who is up in front of the room, introducing speakers, etc.  Here is the real deal my fellow networkers and author friends – treat this person like a bride and abide by the following.

1. Just Wave. Do you really expect to ever talk to the bride at the wedding? Some people do. I have a friend who had close to 300 people at her wedding get an angry comment from a guest 1 year later that she never came by to say “hi”. Totally ridiculous. My point is only expect to get in a “hi”. If someone is organizing event, they are going to know you are there. Period. Do not get pissy if you do not get 30 minutes, which is also unrealistic and unreasonable. What most people do not realize is that there is something called planning that goes into these things.

2. Don’t Be Moronic OR Monopolize the “Bride”. If you read my last blog, you can see a perfect example of moronic behavior to a tee. I have also witnesed extreme lameness including someone complaining excessively about their raffle prize after a meeting when there is a VERY long line of people with relevant questions behind them. Moronic behavior includes walking up to an organizer and demanding (not asking) to speak at a future event. Last, if you expect more that a couple of minutes just email …

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