The Blog:

Inexpensive Marketing Techniques

Social Media Success vs. Excess. One mistake I continually see here is people participating on social media, but spreading themselves too thin. Also, if you are updating statuses on all social media sites all day you are going to eventually waste time and look like you have attention deficit disorder. (Not that there is anything…

Business Blunders that Drive Me Nuts

Beware of the scope creeper. The scope creeper is someone who consistently asks for services outside of the scope of their contract and expects to get them for free. Now, I do not mind doing minor things and do them all of the time for clients, especially when it is quick and easy or some…

Bad PR Behavior

Cancellation Carol. This one is a doozey. It takes time to book a television spot, radio spot … you name the media outlet type and most people do not realize the time it takes. I am talking back and forth with the client, the producer, and most importantly is the fact that my clients block off…

Bad Business Behavior

iPhone Ian. I am the first to admit I love my iPhone. I can wake up every morning check my email, the weather and play Words With Friends, all before I roll out of bed. However, there is a place and a time to be playing around with your phone. iPhone Ian is a poster…

A Spoonful of Crazy

Screaming Sam. Sam is the perfect example of the client you do not want to have. I do not work with screamers and have been known to fire them at the first sign of crazy behavior. Luckily, most of the time my pre-screen tactics with potential clients work and only a very small few fall…

Feed Your Pet to Avoid the Vet – A Mini Marketing Case Study

Many authors are under the impression that they can publish their book and it will immediately become a best seller. This may be the case if you are a household name (think E L James, Koontz, King) to name a few. However, if you are a new, self-published author you are not going to be…

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