The Blog:

Oh Sh** Business Moments

Correctional Officer Cathy. Correctional Officer Cathy was giving a presentation on her health product in front of a whole roomful of people. One of the audience members asked her a question about her product and the speaker proceeded to correct a term she used (very rudely I might add) in front of the whole room….

You Have Got to be Kidding Me

Ghost Writing Gone Wrong. We offer this service through M Com Publishing and we do this quite well. Just in case you do not know what ghost writing is, ghost writing is when an author has an idea and we interview, then write the story for them. Well, I had someone contact me on Facebook wanting…

How to Nail a Conference

Conferences are a great venue for you to market your product or service (Yes, authors … this means you too. Books are products). There are certain things to do and certain things not to do. One thing I learned from corporate was something a certain company president told me – speak first, booth second and…

The Entitlement Factor … Do I need to be the Freebie Police?

Don’t get me wrong here. I do plenty of freebies for my clients. I have an open door policy when it comes to marketing, public relations and publishing questionsm when it even does not remotely relate to their project. I guess you can say that this is the M Communications way – within reason. I just…

What I really wanted to say …

Bad presentation alert. I have to say I have seen my fair share of these. It is usually either the snooze fest or the 90 minute buy-my-stuff infomercial. All are usually accompanied by a horrid meal consisting of overly dry chicken and a side dish where I tend to entertain myself by sticking my fork in…

Should I post that on Facebook?

Is it provocative? Facebook is a great tool to engage your potential customers, but the last thing you want to do is piss people off. Engaging in conversations and responding to comments that follow is a great way for people to get to know you and your company. Avoid the 3x daily sales post approach,…

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