The Blog:

Email Faux Pas

Reply All Offenders. I have seen the misuse of this one starting  back in my corporate days. I would leave for a meeting and everyone working on a certain project would all give their two cents, and I would have 50 new emails in my inbox. Not cool. In the last 4 years of my…

Dumb Things People Say To Publicists

I want to be on Rachael Ray. This usually comes from someone who has not been on television whatsoever. Here is the deal people: unless you are part of some national drama this is not going to happen. Or, you are part of a very big story of national interest. Most national shows want national…

Say “NO” to Bathroom Business

Say “No” to Bathroom Stalking. The point to all of this is keep your business out of the bathroom. I recently had lunch with a colleague in the city (San Francisco not Sacramento, what can I say … I grew up in the Bay and San Fran was always referred to as the “city”). Anyway,…

Stupid Sh** People Pull on Facebook

It’s all about ME. This one drives me up the wall. You have a string of people responding to an event you are promoting, and you have one person respond to the entire string saying, “Oh wow, I have a new book out too and I am selling it on XYZ website!” First, the string…

Yes, That IS a Bad Idea!

Webster’s Dictionary … Part 2. I received a call from a potential author client and she was very passionate about her project, which is basically a knock off of something pretty darn famous and I will refer to as Webster’s dictionary … part 2. Basically, she wanted to take something that was already done and…

A Business Must Do

Think Big or Go home.  Although a big practice I largely played in college candy land, this principle addresses the need to stay out until 2:00 a.m. – and after having a baby, I sure do not miss being up at 2:00 a.m. – here is a good must-do. I cannot tell you how many…

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