Connections that Count

Are you out there networking? If you are an author or buisness owner (unless you own Intell) you should be. There are a couple of great ways to get out there and network … and network from home.

Social media. Authentic intereaction is key here. Keep your posts interesting and connect with others. Using FaceBook as your personal brag page … is annoying. People will ignore you. Your “non” fans will also not appreciate your constant sales message. If you post three “buy this” type messages a day, no one will buy. Even if you give away one book for free. I recently connected with someone on LinkedIn, had a phone call follow up, and connected on Facebook. The result? This authentic interraction resulted in a connection to author radio shows that result in sales! Me likey.

Join a group and make a splash.  Find a networking event that is a good fit for you (and hopefully the food is good – yes, I like to eat; and dried chicken gets OLD), and attend often. Showing up repeatedly will allow you to make connections with other members, oh and gee, maybe get to know the orgnazier and get asked to speak. Speaking = book sales.

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