Social Media Sally. Social Media Sally is quite the social butterfly. Sally shares everything on Facebook and I am talking everything. To be perfectly honest, for entertainment purposes, it is quite amusing for a giggle, but unfortunately, I do not have the free time to follow anyone on Facebook. Sally will post everything that went on during a bad date to ranting and raving about global warming. Frankly, I cannot keep up. If playing on Facebook was a full-time job, Sally would be a multi-millionaire. Sally clearly has a differently work ethic than most, because typically when I am working I am not playing farm friends or whatever new game Facebook has come up with. Anyway, I all have to say here is … overshare-beware.
Bus Thrower Billy. Unfortunately, my colleague is the one that gets and earful with when this particular person comes up. This is normally in the form of a “slightly” elevated voice after a meeting complete with a, “Did he really just do that?” I don’t know why I bother. There are certain people on this earth that will always act a certain way and there really isn’t any reason to be upset over it. They always will appear to be “special” to everyone else around. I recently was the target of a Bus Thrower Billy action. While I have watched Bus Thrower Billy on numerous occasions operate (both in person, and over the phone), I can honestly say that nothing is ever his fault. At least if I mess up on something (as do most people), I come forward, communicate ahead of time and all is well with the world. After all, everything is fixable. Anyway, being the personal target of Bus Thrower Billy on a call where I couldn’t get a word in edgewise, all I have to say is no referral business for Bus Thrower Billy. Ever. Or, forever for that matter.