At M Communications and M Com Publishing we receive a ton of email. So, if you are randomly sending out non-targeted sales pitches, chances are we are not going to respond. On the flip side, I wanted to address what I consider what is one of the biggest email faux pas ever: the overuse of the reply to all button. Now, with a marketing background from the building industry – I do understand a need to hit a reply to all when you have multiple people involved in the same project. What I do not understand is when it is used in the following situations:
1. The reply to 80 people on a networking group to let everyone know they will not be attending today’s meeting. This normally starts a chain reaction of twenty other people replying to all to say they will not make it.
2. The reply to all when you attended a networking meeting that say’s, “Becky – it was so nice to see you today?” Um. maybe you should just be emailing Becky.