Why The M Com Editor Rocks

Hello blog followers!  I know that most of you on Facebook probably saw this and thought – what now? This is normally my editor’s response when I post new projects on Facebook that are going to fall into her lap. We had a conversation about this last week. Phone call verses Facebook posts – whoops. Here are my top reasons why she rocks:

1. Her editing skills kick Ass. I am talking really kicking ass. Every project we are working on has comments, notes and some really super cool marketing ideas re. writing. Um? Can you get any better than that? That is on top of the obvious skills in ghost writing in the author’s voice, editing and proofing.

2. She tells me what she really thinks. This is normally along the lines of you can’t add (not true – I can add a little), update your website (barely) or take on something way out of line. Her response: Really? Love that. And, it doesn’t even come with eye rolls.

3. She will take on non emergency and emergeny projects. The favorite part about the projects I take on, is that I usually get a sassy answer in the form of – yes, I will charge you 10K (a.k.a., I don’t want to do it.) or this is an awesome project. Diversity in a team is truly important and it is a complete saving grace that everyone on our team is diverse. I am not getting into the details here, but kudos my friend.

4. She thinks Valentine’s Day is dumb. Well, it is.

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