Would you want to PENETRATE Facebook? Bad Signage Marketing

Penetrate FBSigns are a great way to market your business, but there are a lot of ways to avoid some major mistakes.  Below are a couple of tips & tricks to help you make a wise marketing decision.

  • Expensive is not always better. Just because you are spending a ton of money on an expensive billboard, it doesn’t mean it is going to generate a ton of results. Shop around and ask for examples of past campaigns, and what has worked for other clients.
  • If you are not creative, do not design it yourself. Hire an expert. You want something that is eye catching, visually appealing and short & to the point. Especially, if you are thinking about a sign along the freeway. You  have seconds to grab someone’s attention when they are flying past your sign at 70 mph. Also, please remember to include contact information … like your website. Unless you are a nationally known brand, you are not going to be able to get away with just your company name.
  • Think outside of the box and place eye catching yard signs in other areas of your town or city, with your logo and website address. Just make sure to comply with any city sign ordinances. You do not want to get a nasty bill or calls from Cal Trans.
  • PLEASE don’t use a black marker and a bright pink piece of card stock as your signage. Your signage should match your branding. If you do not have a cohesive brand you have larger problems. Signage like this shows people how much the business owner actually cares about their product and business.


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