The Blog:

Communication Culprits

Facebook Fanatics. Now, here is a group of people that should be a poster child of why you should avoid Facebook if you have done anything stupid in your life. And, I am not talking the not-so-smart CEO who posts her wild vacation photos on a Facebook photo album. The Facebook fanatics are a group…

Avoid These Publicity Mistakes

Atrocious ad copy is not suited for a press release. If you are thinking and writing like an ad … you will not get pick up. Always think like an objective journalist and have a sense of perspective about who you are and what you are selling. Under any circumstances, do not excessively use trademark…

Marketing Lessons Learned from Lake Tahoe

Sometimes you need to spin the story a bit. This is true for any press release. A perfect example is that most companies do not believe they are newsworthy. Guess what? You are. It is all about spinning an angle into something interesting. I have done everything from “Vegan is the new Viagra” (book promo)…

You Get What You Pay For

M Communications was recently hired to do all of the copy editing and writing for all of a local company’s marketing clients (sweet). One of the articles we just wrote had to do with SEO and how you truly get what you pay for. I have known this for years and am reminded on occasion, especially when…

Publishing Faux Pas

Save a Dolphin, Kill a Tree. We are in the day and age of the Internet and email …. Ooohhhh. And, I do not understand why people are still submitting book manuscripts in hard copy form (unless you are my grandma’s age and she does not own a computer nor understand what the Internet really…

Stupid Marketing Mistakes

Having the “Field of Dreams” syndrome. With zero offense to Kevin Costner, here is the deal: if you build it, they will not come. This only occurs if you are Oprah, but last I heard even the OWN Network was hurting. Unless you are uber famous, they will not come. Many business owners fall into…

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