The Blog:

Because you need to have your marketing ducks in a row before you do PR

I am really not sure what is funnier … when people say they want to be on the Today show tomorrow or they want to invest in a public relations campaign when they do not even have a website. You need to have your marketing ducks in a row before you begin any type of…

Why Media Training is a Good Thing

The bottom line is that not everyone is comfortable doing media interviews. Most people in fact do get butterflies until they have done so many where rolling out of bed and doing a live interview over the phone in their pajamas and slippers is no biggie. Anyway, especially with television you have minutes to make an…

Do you want to be on TV?

We do this for our author and non author clients. Check out the Fashionable Inspiration spot that was aired on FOX news yesterday! Click here to watch.

2014 AVN Conference – 150 Books sold, 4 pending retail deals and massive PR!

We do this for our authors and for our PR clients. Contact us at for more information.  

Say “No” to Brain Damage

Crazy LinkedIn Lady. I recently had an author approach me about doing PR for her book this holiday season. I was completely upfront with her and told her that ship had sailed (not enough time). She then wanted to do a quick LinkedIn campaign, which is totally doable. Mind you this was not a big…

Bad Business Blunders in 2014 … Already!

Name Dropper Ned. To this day, I still do not understand the point of name dropping. I do not work with and barely tolerate people with egos. I met name dropper Ned, who actually is a local media professional and Ned proceeds to lecture me on how I don’t know who he is, and who…

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