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January 3, 2014 by
The Contract Cloggers. Beware of the contract cloggers. The contract cloggers will engage you in several meetings to discuss their proposal – one meeting=good, three meetings = bad. The contract cloggers will eventually disappear on you and you will wonder what happened to them. Typically, the thought process on the clogger’s end varies on all…
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January 1, 2014 by
Happy New Year from M Communications Inc. and M Com Publishing!
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December 29, 2013 by
Follow up. Here is one thing I do not get. People pay to attend networking events and conferences and then do not follow up. People who do not follow up are wasting their marketing dollars. Seriously, if you are going to flush money down the toilet you might as well not go at all. Yes,…
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December 28, 2013 by
Social Media Success vs. Excess. One mistake I continually see here is people participating on social media, but spreading themselves too thin. Also, if you are updating statuses on all social media sites all day you are going to eventually waste time and look like you have attention deficit disorder. (Not that there is anything…
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December 18, 2013 by
Post Smart. No one cares if you are walking your dog at 6 a.m. Plus, if I am working at that hour I am personally wondering why you are not sleeping. (Mom’s with babies or 5 year-olds named Dylan who decide to swing from your towel bar like a monkey at that hour are exempt…
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December 16, 2013 by
Sometimes you need to spin the story a bit. This is true for any press release. A perfect example is that most companies do not believe they are newsworthy. Guess what? You are. It is all about spinning an angle into something interesting. I have done everything from “Vegan is the new Viagra” (book promo)…
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