The Blog:

Bad Business Behavior

Think Big or Go home.  Although a big practice I largely played in college candy land, this principle addresses the need to stay out until 2:00 a.m. – and after having a baby, I sure do not miss being up at 2:00 a.m. – here is a good must-do. I cannot tell you how many…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from M Communications Inc. and M Com Publishing! We will be back 12/2/2013.

Top Tips to Not Sink Your Biz

Do one business development activity every day.  Now by this I am not suggesting that you go on Facebook and announce to the whole world you are having a glass of orange juice and a side of rye toast. Two words for you: Who cares? I send out a proposal, post an article on Linked…

One Too Many … Book Excerpt and Sacramento Launch Party Tonight

I had to share … and thought this would be a funny blog to say the least. Here is a tidbit from One Too Many: Chapter 6 – The Flying Halloween Maxi Pad There are certain “holidays” at Chico State that I will always remember. St. Patty’s Day was a jewel – standing in line…

Dear Amsterdam Hotel …

OK, this has zero business advice whatsoever, but is based on a Larry King interview where he talked about letters from a nut. Enjoy. I will post something business-wise in a later blog. Dear Amsterdam Hotel, I am deathly afraid of mosquitoes and would like to bring several hundred mosquito eaters and let these bugs…

Oh Sh** Business Moments

Correctional Officer Cathy. Correctional Officer Cathy was giving a presentation on her health product in front of a whole roomful of people. One of the audience members asked her a question about her product and the speaker proceeded to correct a term she used (very rudely I might add) in front of the whole room….

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