The Blog:

Stupid Things People Do and Ask at Networking Events

Drive like a complete maniac. M-Dashers … warning, I have been almost run over not once, but twice by a blue Cookie Lee Prius. If you see this vehicle, I highly recommend you either pull of the road or call 911. I know there are a bunch of these cars out there, however this one…

Avoiding Contractual Chaos

What time is it? Get your hours right. Rule numero uno: allocate all time and think about any timesuck issues that may come up. When you are putting together something as a contractor or non-contractor allocate for the following: meetings, hours for your team and travel. You need to do this otherwise you will eat…

Social Media Mistakes

Not enough listening and whole lot of bragging. Bragging is annoying period and is even more annoying when this is all of you post on your status updates. People really do not care if you were editor-in-chief of XYZ magazine 25 years ago. Even more annoying, is when people self-promote when answering a string of…

Actually … That Is A Stupid Question

I have the best business idea in the world, but I don’t have any funding. Will your company fund me? Last time I checked we are not Bank of America. If this was the case, I would be kicking in a beach house by now. Plus, if we do not know you from Adam and…

Why A Professional Job Title is Always Best

Experienced Bra Fitter. Here is the deal: if you hired the right marketing company here they are going to recommend that this should not be the title on your business card. How about “fashion consultant?” Now, if you are a male, this definitely should not be your job title and most likely will not get…

Commercial Critiques

Activia. Do you really sit around with a bunch of girlfriends and talk about how a creamy, delicious yogurt helps with your digestive system? And, do you sing about it afterward? Absolutely not. You may have a close friend who is your travel buddy and you may laugh about your eclectic collection of tums, because…

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