Retail Damage Control PR

play dohThese PR disasters occurred in 2014, but 2015 is still young, so I am positive there are some doozies headed our way. Unfortunately, the publicists who work for these companies had to do some major PR damages control due to these bad marketing ideas. Below are some of the worst merchandise concepts that some brainchild actually put into fruition.

1. Urban Outfitters selling a Kent State sweatshirt covered in blood. This would be referencing the Kent State massacre back in 1970. Um. Last time I checked murder/massacres are not a good thing.

2. During Hanukkah, Hallmark decided to sell Swastika wrapping paper – not sure who the corporate genius was who thought this would be a good idea.

3. My personal favorite … Play Doh selling what all parents perceived as an adult toy during the holidays.


These top three without a doubt created the need for damage control PR. And, this is never a good thing.

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