What you need to do AFTER a networking event

Networking is key in any business and especially in this financial climate. At M Communications and M Com Publishing, we are out and about quite a bit. It never fails to amaze me that a majority of people fall of the face of the earth after an event. Why attend in the first place? Here are a couple of things that smart business owners should be doing after events.

1. Follow up. If you are going to pay money to attend an event … you really should follow up. Really. Otherwise you are wasting your marketing dollars and losing out on potential business. Pick up the phone or send an email. It is really that simple. Next steps? Set up a follow up appointment whether it be a conference call or in person meeting. Personally, I like to eat, so lunch is my preferred method.

2. Organize. Find a way that works for you to track your business leads that you will actually do. Avoid anything that is tedious or time consuming, because chances are you will not follow through. Keep it simple down to business name, contact and type of potential project. This is where pens at networking events come in super duper handy. Take notes. Yes, I am being sarcastic here. Seriously though, if you do not have some method of organization you are going to end up with a pile of cards.

3. Continue the communication. Now, you may meet someone at event who may not have a need now … but in 6 months from now … they might. A great way to keep in touch with the people you meet is through an e newsletter. We use Constant Contact and are pretty big fans. Keep your newsletter information educational, helpful and funny … and you may create a following.

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