The Blog:

When to Laugh At Your Marketing Colleagues

Who are we if we can’t laugh at our own mistakes? Okay, how about… who are we if we can’t laugh at our colleaguesmistakes? We’ve all unfortunately caused a blunder in our career, try as we might to avoid it, but who can say theirs was seen on a global scale? As professional marketers, we know that…

Stupid Things People Do On Facebook

It’s all about ME. This one drives me up the wall. You have a string of people responding to an event you are promoting, and you have one person respond to the entire string saying, “Oh wow, I have a new book out too and I am selling it on XYZ website!” First, the string does…

Avoid Bathroom Business

Don’t let the headline fool you. I don’t abhor the bathroom for business entirely – just when it involves someone besides myself. You see, I often have some of my best brainstorms while showering. Yep. I don’t know if I am relaxed, or the warm water inspires me… but I my top ideas as usually…

When Bad PR Yields Positive Results

Whistle. Flo Rida’s Whistle song has been dubbed one of the least subtle songs ever. In addition to the fact I laugh each I time I hear it, I had the opportunity to see the music video recently. I almost fell of my elliptical and talk about taking a sexual innuendo too far … well Flo Rida pulled…

When do I contact a publisher?

We get this all of the time. “When do I contact a publisher?” , and “When do I contact a publicist?” My answer? Yesterday.  The following are a couple of pointers. “I have an idea.” OK. So you don’t have a book yet … no problemo. Bounce your idea off of a publishing company/literary publicist…

Say No to the PR Freebies!

Well, it is been awhile since I have blogged. Why? Three client book launch parties and we will post pictures very, very soon! There is one thing you should never ask a publicist and that is to do something for FREE. Now, I personally do pro-bono PR all of the time, specifically, this month for…

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