The Blog:

Conference Tips & Tricks

Kick out the Sad and Miserable.   Negative people will make your booth negative period. The negative energy will flow all over and people will see you. I have attended tradeshows in the past with a couple of sad sacks monopolizing the only two trade show chairs in our space, and they were constantly being negative,…

Social Media Gone Wrong

Status Updates … did you really just say that?  I have a pal who complains on a weekly basis on FaceBook about how terrible his life is being president of a company his parents have left him.  I feel the need to mention how built up this business is, and it is pretty much a…

The Great Publicist vs. The Brutally Ugly Publicist

The Great Publicist.  The great publicist is strategic … and understands “new” messages are “newsworthy.”  This publicist will not steer you wrong and certainly not take you on as a client if he/she cannot help out. The great publicist doesn’t just have a hefty national and regional rolodex, the great publicist has friends he/she simply…

3 Ways to Trash Your Marketing Budget

Lack of Tracking (a.k.a., The Blind Leading the Blind).  If you are not tracking the response rate of your advertisements whether click throughs or sorcing customers, you might as well as take your advertising dollars, crumple them up and flush them down the toilet.  Blindingly throwing money at a publication is like deliberately giving Anne…

Advertising vs. Public Relations … the Great Debate!

The Real Deal.   Advertising involves placing a professionally designed ad in a type of media outlet (your child in a home video does not count here people although in college I witnessed several types of these atrocities and if you are not graphic designer and you used clip art to design your ad – all…

Publishing Faux Pas

Save a Dolphin, Kill a Tree. We are in the day and age of the Internet and email …. Ooohhhh. And, I do not understand why people are still submitting book manuscripts in hard copy form (unless you are my grandma’s age and she does not own a computer nor understand what the Internet really…

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