Here at M Communications and M Com Publishing, we have heard it all when it comes to funny things people say when it comes to PR. Here are the top do-not-do’s, and questions you should not ask. Ever. 1. Can I have your media contact list? This is a great way for any PR person…
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For awhile now, we have been discussing the re brand of M Com Publishing’s parent company, M Communications. Now we brand new companies all of the time when we are working with startup companies, but it is a little harder when you need to look internal and determine if you need to do a re…
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At M Communications and M Com Publishing, we see A LOT of bad networking; usually in the form of the walking, talking informercial. There are ways to sell yourself without being obnoxious about it. Chances you may be a walking, talking infomercial if you are doing the following: 1. Walking around a networking group and…
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Call the marketing police. We ran into a major marketing no-no this week. When you are representing yourself to major corporations, you may want to have a website up. We have been contacting investors regarding the pilot and I happened to receive an email from a marketing company (even funnier) asking for details. The marketing…
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At M Communications and M Com Publishing, we hear some funny ones. Most of the time it is great to hear over email, because that way you can keep a straight face. Here are my favorites over the last four years: 1. “I want to be on Oprah.” This usually comes from the client who…
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Now, we see a lot of speakers at M Communications and M Com Publishing. and know what to do and what not to do. Here is a quick what not to do. If the facility does not have the proper A/V equipment, adjust accordingly and do not do your “standard” presentation. Take the A/V out…
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